NY Fed report warns discount window stigma may never go away

By Michael S. Derby (Reuters) – The Federal Reserve needs to rethink how it provides swift liquidity to banks, a report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York said on Monday. That’s because despite many years of trying to reform the discount window, the long-standing stigma around this facility “has clearly become deeply engrained among practitioners and it may be impossible to change that norm,” wrote economists Olivier Armantier and Charles Holt. “Even extreme … Read more…

The Streaking Dow Jones – by Justin Vaughn

(Justin Vaughn, Editor, Options Trading Report) Friday’s market turned the corner, with investor concerns on the sideline. High tech red hot earning reports stirred the market: Labor began to balance out with hiring drifting lower and wages leveling off, giving the market ‘room-to-run.’ All the indexes responded, led again by the tech-heavy equities, with the Nasdaq Composite jumping up 2% while the Dow Jones Industrial Average surged 450 points, up 1.2%. The standard bearer S&P … Read more…

Wobbling Stock Market

The Wobbling Market – by Justin Vaughn

(Justin Vaughn, Editor, Options Trading Report) Investors and traders were spooked by the late Thursday night strike by Israeli forces against Iran in retaliation for their missile attack. Oil shot up, then settled Friday, closing at $87.29. The Nasdaq Composite was off 5.5% for the week, while the S&P 500 was down 3.1%. The steady-eddy Dow Jones Industrial Average was up slightly for the week. “The magnificent seven lost plenty, over $950 billion in the … Read more…

US Consumers All In – by Justin Vaughn

(Justin Vaughn, Editor, Options Trading Report) All the indexes Friday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the S&P 500, the Nasdaq Composite and the Russell 2000 reflected the market’s uneasiness, the ‘worst’ in over a year. After a blazing three months this year that followed nearly 6 strong months last year, extending the ‘bull,’ the market turned obstinate, struggling with stubborn CPI’s, lingering military wars and pricey oil, not to mention Mr.Powell and the Fed. Mounting … Read more…

The Inflation Puzzle – by Justin Vaughn

(Justin Vaughn, Editor, Options Trading Report) All the indexes lost major ground last Thursday, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average giving up 530 points, or 1.4%. Both the Nasdaq Composite and the S&P 500 were off 1.2% and 1.4%. Friday the ‘bleeding’ stopped as the monthly Jobs Report stroked a turn-around, with the Dow Jones jumping 400 points after being thrashed on Thursday. Friday did finish up, as all three indexes, including the Russell 2000 … Read more…

A Choppy Market – by Justin Vaughn

(Justin Vaughn, Editor, Options Trading Report) April Fools Day kicked off a second quarter, following a blazing January-February-March. Twenty two record setting new highs for the indices, leaving no doubt that the ‘bull’ is alive and rearing its head. After finishing 2023 at a torrid pace 2024 opened and continued strong throughout the first quarter. Monday’s opening was scattered as the Dow Jones Industrial Average drifted lower, while the Nasdaq Composite was a bit higher. … Read more…

Economic Bliss – by Justin Vaughn

(Justin Vaughn, Editor, Options Trading Report) After a sizzling first four days last week, with the indices blazing new records, Friday took a breather, easing back. The Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 had nice gains for the week rising 2% and 2.3% respectfully. The Nasdaq Composite surged with the heavy tech index up 2.9% as the magnificent seven and ‘tag-alongs’ were actively strong. As Mike Bailey, director of research at FBB Capital … Read more…

Indexes Set Records – by Justin Vaughn

(Justin Vaughn, Editor, Options Trading Report) For the second week in a row, stocks took a beating with all three indexes dropping…Last weeks CPI (Consumer Price Index) doused investors and traders’ short term outlook with concerns the Fed will react more positively to a rate hike in the short term. Even the University of Michigan sentiment survey report for March showed less optimism, lower than expected from economists. Yields on the 10-year U.S. Treasury edged … Read more…

Top 5 Defense Stocks Poised to Soar in the Months Ahead

With wars actively being waged in several parts of the world right now – and the prospect for additional conflicts looking more and more likely – the global uncertainty stands to have a huge impact on the stock market. In prior decades, the potential for war typically saw an increase in investors looking for larger defense contractors. But given the changes in technology – and how those changes have impacted the way wars are being … Read more…

The Bull Marches On – by Justin Vaughn

(Justin Vaughn, Editor, Options Trading Report) Stock prices are floating in the atmosphere… It seems stock splits are out of style, as stocks keep ‘climbing the mountain.’ Once upon a time …in the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s when a stock reached near $100.00, serious talk of splitting shares was commonplace on the street, and in the boardroom. Stockholders looked forward to splits and receiving more shares, along with more potential of stock appreciation as shares … Read more…